Sebastián Aguayo

Sebastián Aguayo

Dr. Aguayo is a Dentist (BDS) from the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Concepción, Chile and has a PhD in Biomaterials from the Eastman Dental Institute, University College London (UCL), UK. His current line of research focuses on exploring the initial interactions between bacteria and surfaces within the context of biofilm formation, at both cellular and sub-cellular levels, utilizing a combination of traditional and nanoscale approaches.

Currently he is an Assistant Professor at the School of Dentistry and the Institute of Biological and Medical Engineering UC.


  • Dental Surgeon (BDS), Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
  • PhD in Biomaterials Eastman Dental Institute, University College London (UCL), United Kingdom.

Research lines

  • Single-bacterial adhesion and streptococcal biofilm formation
  • Atomic force microscopy (AFM) nano-characterization of biological and artificial surfaces
  • Novel oral anti-biofilm therapies

Supervised students and researchers


