The IIBM is a space of collaboration for the generation of knowledge that impacts and benefits the country and society. It is in this context that seeks to train students, either through their Major, Magister or Doctorate programs, which focus their attention on interdisciplinary, collaborative and entrepreneurial work.

Allison Meynard
Biological Sciences UC

Bastián González
Biological Sciences UC

Bastián Márquez
Biological Sciences UC

Felipe Gatica
Chemistry and Biology Usach

Felipe Navarro
Sciences Universidad de Chile

Javier Sandoval
UC Medicine

Joaquín Errandonea
UC Engineering

José Morales
Biological Sciences Universidad Mayor

Kieran Conradie
UC Engineering

Mario Seguel
UC Engineering

Agustín Pérez
Doctorate in Engineering Sciences, UC

Alejandro Aravena
MSc in Biological and Medical Engineering

Alejandro Molina
Doctorate in Sciences of the Engineering UC

Alfredo L´Homme
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Aransa Griñen
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Beatriz Salas
Doctorate in Sciences of the Engineering UC

Benjamín Villa
MSc of Science in Engineering UC

Camila Leiva
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Carlos Valle
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Carmen Meza
MSc in Biological and Medical Engineering

Cristina Alfaro
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Cristóbal Martínez
Doctorate in Sciences of the Engineering UC

Daniel Solomons
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

David Ortíz
Doctorate in Engineering Sciences, UC

Diego Rodríguez
Co-supervision PhD thesis in Chemistry with Prof. Flavia Zacconi, PUC

Felipe Cortés
MSc of Science in Engineering, Electrical Engineering UC

Francisca Durán
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Francisco Osorio
MSc Universidad de Chile

Gabriela Vargas
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Gema Santander
Doctorate in Biological Sciences

Guido Muñoz
MSc of Science in Engineering UC

Guillermo Sahonero
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Hernán Mella
Doctorate in Engineering Sciences

Ignacio Montenegro
MSc of Science in Engineering UC

Ignacio Retamal
MSc of Science in Engineering UC

Javiera Cortés
Doctorate in Engineering Sciences

Javiera Reyes
Doctorate in Sciences of the Engineering UC

Joaquín Gutiérrez
Doctorate in Biological Sciences, UC

Jorge González
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Julián Casas
Doctorate in Sciences of the Engineering UC

Karla López
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Kristine Von Bischhoffshausen
MSc in Biological and Medical Engineering

María José Reyes
MSc in Biological and Medical Engineering

Martín Miranda
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Miguel Miranda
Doctorate in Sciences of Engineering, Chemical Mention and Bioprocesses, UC

Nibaldo Avilés
Doctorate in Sciences of the Engineering UC

Nicolás Núñez
Supervision of doctoral thesis in Engineering Sciences, Chemical Area and Bioprocesses, UC

Pablo Galaz
Doctorate in Sciences of the Engineering UC

Pamela Franco
Doctorate in Engineering Sciences

Paola Larrauri
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Patricio Canales
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Pierre Padilla
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Rafael Kaempfer
MSc of Science in Engineering UC

Rayen Valdivia
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Rocío Artigas
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Rocío Barrón
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Sergio González
Doctorate in Sciences of Engineering, Chemical Mention and Bioprocesses, UC

Séverine Cazaux
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Valentina Castillo
Doctorate in Sciences of the Engineering UC

Valentina Vargas
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Valentina Veloso
Doctorate in Sciences of Engineering, Chemical Mention and Bioprocesses, UC

Valeria Eltit

Valeria Labra
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Valeria Páez
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Varina Aldana
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering

Víctor Alegría
Doctorate in Biological and Medical Engineering