César Ramírez

César Ramírez

During his PhD in Sciences, which he obtained in 2014 at Universidad de Chile, he joined the laboratory of Elizabeth A. Komives at the University of California San Diego, where he became interested in the study of protein folding and protein-protein interactions.

Dr. Ramírez-Sarmiento’s research focuses on elucidating the molecular mechanism enabling the fold-switching behaviors of so-called metamorphic proteins, one of the most prominent examples of how protein folding can regulate cellular function, through a combination of several computational and experimental strategies. He also focuses on enzyme discovery and protein engineering efforts to generate novel biocatalysts for degrading the synthetic plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a serious environmental threat. For more information please visit this link


  • Biologist, Universidad de Chile, 2007.
  • Ph.D. in Sciences with honours in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Neurosciences, Universidad de Chile, 2014.

Research lines

  • Biological Engineering: bioinformatics, biochemistry, biotechnology
  • Biophysics: molecular dynamics, structural biology, mass spectrometry