Institute Board

The Institute Board is the highest collective authority of the Institute. It has representatives from the three Schools and it is formed by: the Deans of the Schools of Engineering, Medicine and Biological Sciences, three faculty from each School, the Director of the Institute, two Institute faculty representatives and the Academic Secretary.

Loreto Valenzuela

Loreto Valenzuela

Dean School of Engineering

Felipe Heusser

Felipe Heusser

Dean School of Medicine

Juan Correa

Juan Correa

Dean School of Biological Sciences

René Botnar

René Botnar


Francisco Sahli

Francisco Sahli

Representative School of Engineering

Marcelo Andía

Marcelo Andía

Representative School of Medicine

Francisco Melo

Francisco Melo

Representative School of Biological Sciences

Sebastián Aguayo

Representative of IIBM Faculty

César Ramírez

Representative of IIBM Faculty

 Leonardo Meza Marín

Leonardo Meza Marín

Academic Secretary